Is It Okay To Sleep With A Lamp On?

Recent studies show that sleeping with even a little light on is not suitable for health. So for this, now I like to turn off the lights and pull the curtains before I go to sleep.

Experts say if you’re exposed to light at night, it may be harmful in various ways. Moreover, it might predispose you to chronic diseases.

Further studies have shown that artificial light at night can suppress melatonin. For starters, it is a hormone that helps with the timing of circadian rhythms and promotes sleep. Melatonin remains suppressed during the day and spikes at bedtime.

As a result, suppressed melatonin at night can lead to its disruption causing many harmful diseases. The list even includes cancer and diabetes.

But wait, there’s a lot more than meets the eye. Keep scrolling to know more…

Do I Sleep With A Light On Or In The Dark?

Darkness is essential to my sleep nowadays. It is because the absence of light sends a critical signal to my body that it is time to rest.

Light exposure at this nap time alters your body’s internal ‘sleep clock,’ the biological mechanism that regulates sleep-wake cycles. If this continues, it may interfere with the quality and quantity of your sleep.

Exposure to light in the bedroom while sleeping at night impacted my sleep behavior in a bunch of ways:

  1. I went to bed late at night.
  2. Due to delayed sleep, I used to wake up late.
  3. I slept less.
  4. I was feeling sleepy and tired during the day.
  5. I was less satisfied with the duration and quality of my sleep.

Why Should I Care About Sleeping With Lights Out?

Sleeping well with lights out has made my life better and rejuvenating. It has also helped me with-

  • Better metabolism
  • Boosting my immunity
  • Improved ability to learn and retain my memories
  • Better pH physical performances
  • Improved cardiovascular health
  • eliminating depression
  • Lower inflammation

Along with putting my lights out during bedtime, I made a few minor adjustments to my daily lifestyle too-

  • I stick to a schedule now, like going to bed and waking up at the same time daily.
  • I work out 20-30minutes a day, at least a few hours before bedtime.
  • I avoid alcohol, coffee, and smoking before bedtime.
  • I sometimes do something relaxing before bedtime, like reading a book or taking a shower.
  • I put off lights and sound in my bedroom as much as I can
  • I keep the room temperature at a comfortable level
  • I avoid watching television or working on my laptop just before bedtime
  • If I still cannot fall asleep, I tend to relax, get up and do something, then try to lie down again
  • Once I wake up in the morning, I make sure that I get either artificial or natural light. This is to set the discipline for my body eventually: light equates to wakefulness, and darkness means bedtime.

What Are The Side Effects Of Sleeping With Lights On?

If I am exposed to light during my sleep now, it becomes difficult for my brain to achieve quality sleep. It is because the side effects of lack of deep sleep are a lot, to be honest-


Lack of sleep can harm my mood. It causes moodiness and irritability.


Studies have shown that women who keep their lights or Television on while sleeping is more prone to obesity.


Not getting enough sleep may increase my risk of accidents or injuries. For example, the level of alertness decreases while driving a car or operating any machinery.

Increased Risk Of Chronic Illness

If the light continues to interfere with my sleep for a long time, I can become susceptible to chronic illnesses. It may include hypertension, heart disease, or even type 2 diabetes.

Though the ideal way to sleep is with all the lights switched off. However, a completely dark room may be different from what the doctor ordered.

A few studies also reveal that not all artificial light is bad for sleep. For example, installing a very dim light is fine. It is mainly for those uncomfortable taking a nap in complete darkness. 

Also, let me share with you a handful of advantages if you’re sleeping or relaxing with a dimmer on:

Coping With Nightmares

A dim table lamp on the bedside guarantees my safety and comfort if I have a nightmare or need to go to the bathroom.

Safety Measures For The Elderly

Having a night lamp is essential for the elders of my house as they may need to go to the bathroom or reach out for their medicines at night. Darkness is not suitable for them. It may cause them injuries which I don’t want.

Helps Reading

A simple night lamp in my bedroom helps if I need to read a book before I fall asleep without disturbing my partner’s sleep.

A Relaxing And Ambient Aura

The aura of dim light and soft music playing in a bedroom’s background is inviting and relaxing after a hard day’s work or a light shower.

Helps Babies And Children Sleep Well

I have installed a night lamp in the room where my children sleep. It is because my kids get night terrors and wake up in the middle of the night. So a night lamp is a pre-requisite in your child’s bedroom for that extra safety and peace of mind.

The Key Takeaways

Most of us have probably slept with a lamp on at some point. So sleeping with a lamp on cannot be that harmful, whether because we’re afraid of the dark or just need a little extra light. But you should keep a few things in mind if you do this regularly.

First, ensure the lamp is not in a position where it could fall and hurt you. Second, be aware that sleeping with a light on can disrupt your sleep cycle. And finally, try to keep the light dim, so it’s not too jarring that it can wake you up in the middle of the night.

Though it is best to sleep with lights out, sleeping with a lamp on is also safe as long as you take a few precautions. That’s all!

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