How To Get Rid of Slime – 5 Easy Steps That Actually Work
If you have young children, you may be used to spills and stains happening often.
But slime is much worse than crayon marks and drink stains because it can get deep into the carpet fibres.

The colourful, sticky material is difficult to remove, especially once it dries.
Learn how to clean slime from your carpet so that the space looks brand new before deciding to replace it because it has slime on it.
What is Slime?
Slime was first made by Mattel in the mid-1970s from guar gum and was soft and squishy.
People started making their slime again in the 2000s after seeing how-to videos on social media.
Kids like to play with it and shape it into different shapes and sizes because it is so stretchy and slimy.
These days, glue, Borax, food colouring, and water can be used to make slime.
Why is it so hard to get rid of slime? (Good)
Slime is made from a mixture of Borax and water, which makes it sticky and goopy.
If you don’t see them initially, they can harden and cluster into things that are difficult to get rid of.
Additionally, this glue-like product frequently contains stickiness and vivid neon colours that can draw attention to your floor.
How do you get slime out of a carpet?
Dealing with the slime can be really challenging and crucial to maintaining the vibe of your house. A fresh splatter is much easier to clean up than one that has dried or set in.
Don’t make the same mistakes if you have kids who like to play with slime. Always watch them when they are using it and make sure it gets put back and doesn’t, for example, dissolve into your carpet.
To remove slime from surfaces, blot and scrape off excess slime. Use a mixture of warm water and mild dish soap to scrub the area. Rinse with clean water and dry thoroughly. For slime caused by physical ailments, it’s best to consult a healthcare professional for appropriate advice and treatment.
Step to clean slime out of carpet
Use an ice cube to clean up fresh slime spills.
The sooner you notice the slime, the better because fresh slime is easier to clean up than dried slime. If the slime is still wet, put ice or an ice pack on the spot for 10 to 15 minutes to freeze it. Once it’s frozen, you can scrape the slime off the carpet and vacuum the spot.
Use Warm Cloth to Soften Up Older Slime
If you want to remove dried slime from your carpet, soften the stain by wiping it with a cloth that has been soaked in warm water. Use the cloth to cover your hand and a plucking motion to remove the large piece from the carpet or rug fibres once it has slightly softened. Consider using a butter knife to remove any remaining large pieces.
Soak the Spot
If both steps do not help, then soak the spot with this mixture.
Now cover the stain with a damp cloth and let it sit for an hour or two before removing the cloth. Once the solution has had time to soak into the slime, gently move a bristle brush in a circle to break up any leftover pieces.
Let it dry and vacuum.
Once the slime is gone, let the carpet or rug dry completely and then vacuum the area to get rid of any debris. After vacuuming, you’ll be able to tell whether the stain has been removed or if you need to repeat the previous procedures for better results.
How do you clean slime from the furniture?
The best way to get rid of slime on upholstery is to use an ice cube and a scraper. If that doesn’t work, you can try a few drops of club soda or rubbing alcohol to help break up the slime. Once it’s wet, use a spoon or butter knife to pick it up, and then use a clean towel to dry it.
To prevent your furniture from becoming damaged in a way that won’t go away, find the best enzyme-based stain remover (and confirm that it is okay to use on the affected material).
Spray the stain until it is totally wet, then use a damp microfibre towel to gently wipe the surface after making sure the colour won’t run in a delicate area. Try later if the stain remains.
Now you have got an understanding of how you can remove slime without damaging your home decor items.
But if the stains are still there, I highly recommend you consult with a cleaning expert before proceeding further.
In case, you take expert support, then you will be able to call them if the stains come back after a few months or years as you will get a warranty.
Finally, Removing slime from any object can be very time-consuming but with the methods mentioned above.
You will be able to remove in the most cost-effective way.