What Is The Purpose Of A Split King Mattress?

What Is The Purpose Of A Split King Mattress?

So, you have figured out which type of mattress is perfect for you? Kudos to that! Pat yourself at the back. But wait, I guess you’re missing out on one crucial aspect.

Yes, I’m talking about the size of the mattress. You do realise that there are various size options that you might not be aware of. Split king is one of them.

You may have heard about sizes like single, full, queen, and king ….but what is “split King”?

It is exactly what it sounds like- a king-size mattress that splits into two.

So why would anyone use a king-size mattress that splits from the middle? I’m glad you asked. For that, I would request you to stick around.

Let’s dive in a little deeper and know the ifs and buts of a split king mattress, shall we?

How to recognize a split king mattress?

As I’ve mentioned, a king-size mattress splits into two halves. To simplify further, it is made up of two twin XL mattresses (38″ x 80″).

These mattresses are separated down the middle, and each side works independently from the other. The two mattresses can be set side by side.

Perks of a Split King Mattress

These are the reasons why you might consider a split king to be on your bed-

Separate sleep preferences

Good sleep is something which should never be compromised with. Say, a soft fluffy mattress is something you desire. But your partner prefers a firm mattress.

For that, you would need two different mattresses in one bed, which seems impossible.

But, with a split king, it is possible. It offers you the option to choose two different mattress kinds in one bed.

Reduced motion transfer  

Does your partner toss and turn throughout the night which disturbs your sleep? Then the split king is the best choice for you. As both of you have your own mattress, you won’t feel any movement from the other side of the bed.

Split king adjustable base

There are times when you are too tired and ready to doze off, but your partner needs to complete the office project by night.

With the split king mattress, you can simply leap on your side and relax while your partner can work conveniently on the other side.

The base can be adjusted in the position which you feel is right for you.

Also, the adjustable base often comes with several special features and helps with different health conditions.

For sinstance, if you suffer from sleep apnea, you can adjust your bed frame to 10° which can help improve your breathing.

Easy to move

It’s not convenient to move a huge king-size mattress from one room to another. You may fail to do so if you have a narrow door space, no matter how hard you try.

This is where a split king mattress comes in handy. It is easy to carry from one room to another without breaking a sweat.

Drawbacks of a Split King

There are a few cons of a split king that I cannot ignore-

Too Expensive

Split king offers so many advantages in one-bed frame and you finally get to live a comfy lifestyle. But, you may feel that it costs a bomb while looking at the price tag .

Since they are two separate mattresses, manufacturers use different materials to build them. So naturally, it costs more than a normal king mattress.

Looks unusual

This awesome mattress may suit your preferences and may give you numerous reasons to go for it. However, it may look unusual for some people.

So, it’s your responsibility to explain the mattress matter to your friends/relatives who may act surprised or laugh out loud seeing the mattress for the first time.

Who should you use a split king?

Not everyone would want a huge king-sized mattress that splits into two. It may look odd in some rooms.

So here I have tried to explain who needs to use a split king mattress-

  • If you work late at night and your partner needs a goodnight’s sleep, consider this mattress. With its reduced motion transfer technology, your partner will not feel disturbed and you will be able to work in peace.
  • If you sweat alot, even in winters, while your partner needs a bunch of blankets for that cosy feeling … then yes, you definitely need a split king mattress.

Things to consider while purchasing split king

Make sure you check these boxes before buying a split king mattress for your bed-

Mattress warranty

It is vital to check your mattress warranty covers and for how long. Warranty, Shipping and trial policies differ from brands to brands. You need to choose wisely which one is the best bet for you.

Luxury features

Additional features such as adjustable beds, massager, and temperature controls are welcome additions. These special features may raise the price but it is also worth it.

So, pick one according to your budget and requirements.

Edge Support

This feature is really important for you if you struggle to move out of bed in themorning. Since each side of a split king mattress is just 38 inches wide, this might help you to eliminate the problem once and for all!

The Key Takeaways

Sound sleep is like a golden chain that binds our health and mind together. Nowadays, people with flexible sleep schedules are common in every household. Especially Gen Zs find the late night hours as the most productive time.

The silence of the night helps you relax better so that you give your best the next day. Also, don’t let your work become a hindrance in your relationship. You might need to work late night. But that doesn’t mean you would disturb another’s sleep.

The only solution to all these problem is a king-sized split mattress. Now all you need to do is go for the one which suits your pocket and requirements. All the best…

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