Is Memory Foam Good For Overweight People?

If you are a little on the heavy side of the spectrum, things can be a tad tricky while purchasing a mattress. The first thing that may come to your mind is, “which mattress will be able to support my weight adequately?”

In that case, you’re at the right place!

Now, you don’t want your sleep to be disrupted, isn’t it? Or wake up with a neck ache?

Remember that a mattress is going to serve your physical and psychological well-being for a long time. As a result, there might be a ton of questions clouding your mind regarding whether a memory foam mattress is a right fit for you or not.

Relax, I have got your back. In this piece, I have tried to attempt all your queries. So, go ahead and this a read…

Why Does Your Weight Affect Your Mattress Choice?

The weight of an individual plays a significant role when choosing a mattress. This is because, the more you weigh, the more you exert pressure on the mattress.

So you need a mattress, which gives you strong structural support. Memory foam mattress serves this purpose brilliantly. You need to choose a mattress which feels a bit firm and one that can support your body, without sagging too much.

Below are some of the key points to keep in mind for an overweight person before purchasing a mattress.


Make sure you check these boxes before you get a memory foam mattress:


If you are thinking of buying a soft, fluffy mattress that will make you feel ecstatic, then wait for a minute!

There is a high chance you will sink into your mattress, the moment you leap into your bed. This awkward moment is certainly not desirable, isn’t it?

It can be harmful to your body in the long run. So what is best for you is a firm and robust mattress. It will support your body and evenly distribute your weight. Moreover, it will keep you away from joint, back and neck aches.

Response Rate

It refers to the response of your mattress according to the movements you make. To put it simply, it is how your mattress reacts when you sit or lie on it.

If the response rate of your mattress is fast, you may find it difficult to get out of your bed.

A good mattress for you is one which responds slowly to the weight you exert on it.

So, while choosing a mattress make sure you don’t have to put extra effort to get out of your bed.

Pressure & Pain Relief

Most overweight people suffer from health problems and pains at different points in their bodies. A wrong mattress may end up making the pain worse.

A good memory foam mattress is said to be firm enough and help keep your body aligned to avoid unnecessary pain.

Reinforced Edge Support

Edge support is the extra support added to the four sides of a mattress so that it can withstand more pressure in those areas. Whenever we lie down or sit on the bed, the edges are subjected to get direct pressure than the middle of the mattress.

It also prevents you from falling and slipping out of your bed when you are in a deep sleep.

So, you must look for a mattress that has reinforced edge support. This will help prevent the edge from sagging down and provide you with more needed support.

Material Quality

The quality of a mattress also decides the quality of your sleep. High-density memory foam is temperature-isolating and hypoallergenic. It is also long-lasting and comfy.

On the flip side, a low-density mattress is prone to wear and tear apart from being less responsive.

The Thickness Of The Mattress

If you weigh around 200 pounds, the thickness of the mattress must be at least 10-14 inches. I advised you not to go for mattresses with low-quality foams. It may break down faster and get compressed easily.

Due to the pressure, heavier people exert on a mattress, it is better to use thicker mattresses as they offer deeper compression support.

Why Memory Foam?

Memory foam was developed by NASA to improve the safety of aircraft cushions.

It is also used in their medical settings. For instance, when patients are required to lie on there for a long period of time, the mattress may cause pressure in the body and even impair blood flow.

To prevent these kinds of incidents, memory foam is widely used. It keeps the body in a comfortable aligned position and relieves pressure points.

As you leap onto a memory foam mattress, you will feel that it moulds to your unique contours, and distributes your weight evenly.

Memory foam responds differently from other mattresses as it brilliantly absorbs pressure. It also tends to change its shape more slowly.

Furthermore, it creates a slow contouring feeling as the mattress adapts to the weight of your body and re-forms around your body shape and curves.

Also if preventing motion transfer is a priority for you, memory foam  is the best choice. The way it responds to weight and distributes pressure helps from keeping motion on one part of the bed from being felt on another part of the bed. 

Closing Thoughts

Sleep deprivation is a serious problem in our fast-moving lives. It is also associated with health issues such as the increased risk of hypertension, depression and even anxiety attacks among the millennials.

For reasons like these, choosing the right mattress is absolutely crucial. It will help you maintain your sleep quality, and sleep cycle. I also guarantee that it will eliminate stress and anxiety.

With everything discussed above, I’m sure now you can make the most informed choice when purchasing a new mattress. Thanks for reading…

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