Is A Queen Size Bed Too Small For A Couple?

Good sleep is the foundation of good health and a sound relationship.

After you have decided what kind of mattress is the best fit for you, the second crucial decision is the size of your mattress. Especially if you share your bed with your partner, then you must think before you make a hurried decision.

Your bed must be big enough to fit two adults together comfortably. But, it should not be so huge enough that there is a one-hand distance between you and your partner.

Right off the bat, a queen-size mattress is the most popular type of mattress among couples. Its dimensions range from 60 inches (5 feet) in width to 80 inches (6 feet, 8 inches) in length.

So, you get enough space to stretch or snuggle in with your partner.

But you must go through this piece before you come to any conclusion.

Is A Queen-Size Bed Right For You?

Make sure you check these boxes while you think of getting a queen-size mattress.

Partner’s Preference

If you share your bed with your partner, it is important to know their preferences. Both of you must have enough space to sleep in a comfortable position.

A queen-size mattress is ideal for couples since it offers enough area for two adult people.

So, even if you are working late at night with your laptop, it will not wake your partner who is at a considerable distance.

Also, if your mattress preferences do not match with your partner, then you can opt for a split queen mattress.

Future Requirements

A queen size bed is a considerable investment. A good quality mattress is likely to last for 8-10 years.

So you need to consider both your present and future requirements while deciding the size of your mattress.

For example, if you decide to have children after a couple of years, then you need to buy another mattress to fit in.

Buying a queen-size mattress may help save you money rather than buying smaller-size mattresses again and again.

Bedroom Size

Before you purchase your queen-size mattress make sure that it will fit well with your bedroom size as well. Else, the bed may take up 80℅ of your room space resulting in a very little area for other furnishings.

To avoid this, you can use floor tape for measurement and see if there is enough walking space or not.

Generally, a queen-size mattress bed should fit in a bedroom of modest size. Also, it should should have enough space for other furnishing.

Factors To Consider Before Purchasing A Mattress


A wide range of firmness levels you can choose from when you’re buying a mattress. You might get confused at that moment and make a wrong decision.

Remember, what you felt comfy at the showroom may not turn into a good night’s sleep. So, before stepping into the store make sure you know what the ideal portrayal of comfiness is.

To find how much firmness you both would like in your mattress, you can place your mattress on the floor. If you are okay sleeping with it, kudos to that.

Or if you want your mattress to be plushy and sink in it, you may try putting some cushions under your bed sheet.

This experiment will increase your confidence and you can pick the right one by feeling the mattress with your bare hands.


The bounciness in a mattress is due to the presence of spring coils inside it. An innerspring mattress is a good choice if you want that “bounce” in your mattress.

You can also consider a hybrid mattress if you want firm support along with bounciness.

Motion Transfer

If you are prone to change sleeping positions frequently, this might pose a problem and a red flag in the way of your healthy relationship with your partner.

Your continuous movements may disturb your partner’s sleep which is not at all desirable.

For this, you would need a mattress that has reduced motion transfer. This way, your restless movements won’t be felt by your partner.


Another crucial factor that you should not miss while purchasing a mattress is your height.

If you have a mattress that doesn’t fit your height, you will have to sleep in weird positions to fit in. This may result in intense back pain in the morning.

Even if your height is above 6 feet, a queen-size mattress has got your back. So, no worries!


A queen-size mattress is the best choice for couples. There is enough space for you to stretch and reach your partner for some cuddles.

Pros And Cons Of A Queen-Size Mattress

When you make any important decision, it is advisable to check the pros and cons. So, here you go-

  • Big enough for couples
  • Large enough for most adults
  • A popular option among couples
  • Less expensive than king size mattress
  • Small enough to fit in most bedrooms
  • Not wide enough for couples with kids
  • May not fit in small rooms.

Benefits Of Owning The Right Beds For Couples

Better Cuddling Experience

Couples who sleep together experience adequate sleep quality and better health.

It can create a stronger relationship bond.

Your mattress should not be a hindrance in your cuddling experience. Make sure you select the appropriate mattress which is comfortable for both of you.

Healthy Sleeping Experience

If you are deprived of sleep, it is more likely that you overreact to minor situations. This kind of behaviour is harmful to your relationship and may result in frequent conflicts.

Other advantages of healthy sleep include reduced anxiety, a stronger immune system, and increased happiness.


Happiness is lying on your bed on a lazy Sunday evening binging on Netflix with your partner.

Don’t let your mattress be the mood spoiler in this wonderful moment.

The queen-size bed offers the right mix of comfort, cost-effectiveness, and good sleep.

Since some people feel uncomfortable sleeping in either large or undersized beds, a queen-size option is a great middle-ground option to consider.

However, consider the above facts to make the most informed choice, and that’s all!

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