steam clean a couch

How to steam clean a couch?

Steam cleaning your couch is a great way to eliminate stains, odours, and to some extent, wear and tear. Just remember that it’s crucial to do this with some knowledge! On that note, steam cleaning your couch is a fantastic way to breathe new life into your furniture and make it look as good as new.

Steam cleaning effectively eliminates unsightly stains, unpleasant odors, and unsightly tears. Also, it kills germs and bacteria that can accumulate over time. But, before you start, it’s crucial to ensure that you are steam cleaning your couch correctly to avoid any damage.

Today, I will walk you through the steps of steam cleaning your couch the right way, so you can enjoy a fresh and clean piece of furniture that looks great!

So, let’s dig in….

Step 1: Vacuum the Couch Before You Begin

Vacuuming is a great way to get rid of loose dirt and dust on your couch. Just make sure that you don’t miss any spots. So when vacuuming, start at the top and work your way down toward the base of the couch.

Pay special attention to those spots where people sit. You want to ensure you get to all nooks and crannies on your couch when vacuuming.

Step 2: Inspect Your Couch for Stains, Spills, and Tears

To inspect your couch for stains, spills, and tears before steam cleaning, follow these steps:

  • Check for any visible stains, spills, or tears on the surface of the couch. Make note of their location and type (e.g. oil, ink, etc.).
  • Use a white cloth and a mild cleaning solution (such as water and mild detergent) to test any suspicious areas for colorfastness.
  • If you find any tears or holes, repair them before steam cleaning to prevent the steam from making the problem worse.
  • Once you’ve identified and addressed any stains, spills, or tears, your couch is almost ready for steam cleaning.

Step 3: Use a Tray to Hold Your Supplies

Needless to say, a tray is pretty useful for holding all your supplies. including the steam cleaner, mop and bucket, lint-free clothes, and water. Make sure the tray is sturdy enough to hold the weight of these items.

Step 4: Prepare Your Couch for Cleaning

  • Remove the cushions from your couch.
  • Remove pillows from your couch.
  • Remove throw blankets from your couch.
  • Remove slipcovers from your couch if they’re removable and washable (some are not). Also, some couches do not have removable covers. In these cases, wipe down the piece with a damp cloth before cleaning it to remove any dirt before vacuuming.

Step 5: Make a Soapy Solution for Your Couch

Now that your couch is somewhat clean, it’s time to make a soapy solution. You’ll need the following:

  • 1 cup of water
  • 10 tablespoons of soap (I recommend dishwashing liquid)
  • 1 teaspoon of baking soda

To make the solution in no time, follow this guide below-

  1. Mix all three ingredients in a bowl until they form a thick paste.
  2. Apply it on your couch with an old rag or soft cloth and wipe it away.
  3. If you want extra shine, get yourself an applicator sponge or brush; just be careful not to get any soap on any delicate fabrics!

Step 6: Select the Right Steam Cleaner Head

You must be wondering, “Which one is better?”

For this, you should consider the following confusions regarding what to pick:

What is the difference between a handheld steam cleaner and a steam mop? A handheld steam cleaner has a head that can use to clean all kinds of surfaces, but it’s not designed for your carpets though. But it’s perfect for your couch!

On the other hand, a mop has a long handle and narrow head designed specifically for scrubbing hard flooring.

What are the advantages of using a steam cleaner with a handheld head? First, handheld units are very portable. They’re easy to use even if one has arthritis or other mobility issues.

Furthermore, they don’t take up too much space in your apartment since most models only weigh about 10 pounds (about 4 kilograms). They also come in handy when cleaning stairs and deep crevices that require more elbow grease than just bending over awkwardly while holding onto something else.

The only downside is that many models don’t produce enough force to lift dirt from carpets. However, there are a few that have attachments that allow a firm press down on stubborn stains, so they’ll come out easily after washing later on down below.

Step 7: Steam Clean the Couch.

To get the most out of your steam cleaner, you must use one with a brush attachment. This will help remove any stains or dirt from the couch and ensure it’s thoroughly cleaned before moving on to other parts of your home.

You can also use a soft cloth attachment instead of a brush if this is more convenient for you. This method works better if only small areas of debris need cleaning because it doesn’t require much effort!

If neither option appeals to you (or they don’t feel like doing anything), then this option could be the best best: using both types together! This way, all surfaces within reach will get their fair share—and since each part has its function (i.e., cleaning vs. polishing), everything should look great after all was said, been, and done!

Step 8: Rinse the Couch With Clean Water

This is also a vital part of cleaning your couch, so ensure you get it right! First, fill your sink with warm water and add soap to kick things off! Next, scrub any excess soap in your couch’s fabric using a sponge. As you scrub away at it, rinse each section until there is no more dirty water left behind. Then use another clean towel to dry off any remaining moisture from inside or outside your couch before moving on to step nine!

Step 9: Dry the Couch

Now that your couch is clean and dry, it’s time to put away the towel. Using a hair dryer on medium heat will speed up this process. Please do not use a towel that has been used on to dry your hair, as it may leave lint behind. Instead, choose fresh paper towels or a recently washed cloth.


Steam cleaning is an easy and affordable way to keep your couch looking new. All you need are supplies, a steamer or steam cleaner, and some cleaning solution. You can get a steam cleaner at specialty shops or online platforms, the options are plenty. However, to determine the best cleaner for your couch, consider investing in one specifically designed for furniture and couches. And that’s all! Thanks for reading…

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