Can A Memory Foam Mattress Cause Back Pain?

Can A Memory Foam Mattress Cause Back Pain?

If you are googling something like “Why am I having back pain?” I think you need to hold on for a second and check your mattress first. You never know if the mattress on which you are sleeping right now is the culprit behind your back aches.

First things first, let me bust this myth that back pains are related to your growing age. Trust me when I say this, you might be suffering from back pain due to the wrong mattress.

Back in the 90’s all we knew was spring mattresses. But fast forward to 2022, and the options are dime a dozen. The most popular of them all is undoubtedly memory foam mattresses.

Yes, it’s the one you’re using right now! With that said, let’s find out whether your memory foam stress reliever is the reason behind your back pain… shall we?

Can a Memory Foam Mattress Cause Back Pain?

As I said, age is no longer the only factor for back aches. Nowadays, it is caused by how you sleep and how your spine positions itself when you are asleep.

Some mattresses may not support your body’s natural posture. This can lead to major issues like chronic back pain. On the other hand hand, there are mattresses that give priority to comfort and body alignment. They are specially curated to address this problem.

So, not all memory foam mattresses are perfect for you. Though all memory foams assist to align the spine without any gaps like traditional mattresses, you may experience a different outcome.

In case your body contours to the mattress in a way where your spine is not properly aligned, you may continue to bear back aches.

Back Pain from your Memory Foam Mattress – 8 Reasons Why

Here are the 8 most probable reasons why you’re experiencing back pain sleeping on your memory foam bed-

Bad Sleeping Posture

If I ask you how you’re feeling in the morning, your answer will be predominantly influenced by your sleeping posture. The most common complaints from stomach sleepers are lower back pain and pressure points in the knees.

Your spine is pulled out of alignment in this posture. The pelvis and belly are both pushed downward. On a softer mattress, stomach sleeping will surely result in unpleasant mornings.

The condition will only become worse as time passes. The mattress will get even softer where your tummy rests every night.

Even if your favorite sleeping position is the major issue in this scenario, (and not the memory foam) you can still get away with the habit by just switching to a firmer mattress.

New Memory Foam Mattress

You will have to go through the break-in phase (for about a month) after purchasing a new mattress. And this is true for all new mattresses, including those from well-known brands.

During this time, you may experience some initial problems, sores, or aches. But no worries! Your mattress’ original firmness won’t last forever. It will become somewhat softer and more tailored to your body within a month.

Make sure to give the mattress some time to break in before deciding it’s not the one for you. During this time, you might experience some discomfort or back pain.

However, it’s not solely the mattress’s fault. Some of you will take a while to get accustomed to a new mattress before you experience no pain at all.

Still, you should think about replacing the mattress in case your back pain is the same even after 2 months. You need not to sacrifice your sleep for more than three months to see whether you can soften the mattress.

Too Soft Mattress

If you are a heavier, stomach sleeper, or back sleeper, you must opt for a firm mattress. In some cases, a foam mattress turns soft after you using them for a while.

You may not realize it initially. After using it for a year or 2 you may start experiencing back pains. In turn, it will eventually affect your sleep quality.

Too Firm Mattress

If you are a mixed or stomach sleeper, you will like firm beds for sure. Back sleepers may experience back aches sleeping on a hard mattress and should look for a softer alternatives.

Preferably one that ranges from medium-soft to medium-firm. In reality, most of you should be able to get by with medium-firm mattresses.

Your mattress doesn’t offer enough support

There are other factors as well that affect the comfort level of a mattress. Proper support is yet another. You might not be getting enough support from your memory foam mattress that your body type needs.

In that case, consider a hybrid mattress. It includes a base of springs and numerous comfort layers. Some of them are even made out of memory foam. This is why it is so popular nowadays.

So, remember that you may not receive the necessary support if your mattress is solely memory foam.

Old Mattress

You are probably expecting your memory foam mattress to last more than 10 years. No doubt, they generally have a fairly long lifespan. But, it’s not always the same!

Try to keep track of the fact that recently you’re waking up in pain and discomfort. It is because your mattress may have sagged, or become too soft.

A mattress in that condition cannot provide the necessary support that you require. Moreover, your bed structure can be old too. This makes things even worse when combined with an old mattress.

Uneven Memory Foam Mattress

Back pain can be caused by drooping or bumpy mattresses. Your body weight, the firmness of the mattress, or your position are irrelevant here.

The only true solution to a bad mattress is to replace it with a new one. Needless to say, an uneven mattress is unpleasant as well as uncomfortable.

The right mattress will not cause you any back discomfort. In case you are frequently experiencing lower or upper back pain, consider changing your mattress.

Wrapping Up

As I said earlier, your back pain can be due to your mattress. Yes, it is possible!

Here’re a few things that you can try though. Rotating the mattress regularly can stop it from becoming uneven too quickly. Another reason for uneven surfaces can be your old bed frame or the foundation.

Furthermore, your sleep posture plays an important role too. The best way to sleep to maintain a proper spine alignment is on the sides.

In the end, if your back pain is related to your mattress, do consider fixing it or replacing it with a new one.

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